
姓名:张海青副教授,卓越百人计划(Associate Prof., Young Talent Program of BeihangUniversity)职称\职位:副教授\卓越百人电子邮箱: hqzhang@buaa.edu.cn办公电话: 010-82313921研究领域:理论物理,引力、黑洞物理,引力规范对偶Theoretical physics, gravity & black holes, gauge-gravityduality, 学习经历:2001.09-2005.07,中国科学技术大学近代物理系,物理学学士2005.09-2008.07,中国科学院高能物理研究所,理论物理...


副教授,卓越百人计划(Associate Prof., Young Talent Program of BeihangUniversity)


电子邮箱: hqzhang@buaa.edu.cn

办公电话: 010-82313921


Theoretical physics, gravity & black holes, gauge-gravityduality,






2001.09-2005.07, Bachelor in Physics, Department of ModernPhysics, University of Science and Technology of China

2005.09-2008.07, Master in Theoretical Physics, Institute of HighEnergy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2009.09-2012.07, Ph.D in Theoretical Physics , Institute ofTheoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences






2012.09-2014.08, Postdoc, Insituto Superior Tecnico, University ofLisbon, Portugal

2014.09-2016.11, Postdoc, Institute for Theoretical Physics,Utrecht University, Netherlands

2016.12- present, Associate Prof. , Beihang University







2010, First Class Graduate Scholarship, Institute of TheoreticalPhysics

2011, First Class Graduate Scholarship, Institute of TheoreticalPhysics

2011, Zhuli Yuehua Excellent Doctoral Students Fellowship, ChineseAcademy of Sciences

2012, The Model of Best Students, Chinese Academy of Sciences


1.    Holographic thermalization and generalized Vaidya-AdS solutions inmassive gravity Ya-Peng HuXiao-Xiong Zeng(*)Hai-QingZhang Physics Letters B, 765, pp 120-126, 2017/2/10

2.    Vortex in holographic two-band superfluid/superconductor Mu-ShengWuShuang-Yu Wu(*)Hai-Qing Zhang Journal of High EnergyPhysics, 5, p 011, 2016/5/2

3.    Holographic Josephson junction from massive gravity Ya-Peng HuHuai-FanLiHua-Bi ZengHai-Qing Zhang(*) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology, 93, p 104009, 2016/5/3

4.    Zeroth order phase transition in a holographic superconductor withsingle impurity Hua Bi Zeng(#)(*)Hai-Qing Zhang Nuclear PhysicsB, 897, pp 276-288, 2015/5/28

5.    Time evolution of entanglement entropy in quenched holographicsuperconductors Xiaojian Bai(#)Bum-Hoon LeeLi LiJia-RuiSunHai-Qing Zhang(*) Journal of High Energy Physics, 4, p066, 2015/4/14

6.    Mimic the optical conductivity in disordered solids viagauge/gravity duality Jia-Rui Sun(#)(*)Shang-Yu WuHai-QingZhang Physics Letters B, 729, pp 177-184, 2014/1/8

7.    Normal modes and time evolution of a holographic superconductorafter a quantum quench Xin Gao(#)Antonio M. Garcia-GarciaHua BiZengHai-Qing Zhang(*) Journal of High Energy Physics, 6, p019, 2014/6/3

8.    Non-relativistic Josephson junction from holography Huai-Fan Li(#)LiLi(*)Yong-Qiang WangHai-Qing Zhang Journal of High EnergyPhysics, 12, p 099, 2014/12/15

9.    A holographic model of SQUID Rong-Gen Cai(#)Yong-QiangWangHai-Qing Zhang(*) Journal of High Energy Physics, 1, p039, 2014/1/9

10.  A thermal quench induces spatial inhomogeneities in a holographicsuperconductor Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia(#)Hua Bi Zeng(*)Hai-QingZhang Journal of High Energy Physics, 7, p 096, 2014/7/21

11.  Novel features of the transport coefficients in Lifshitz blackbranes Jia-Rui Sun(#)(*)Shang-Yu WuHai-Qing Zhang Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitationand Cosmology, 87, p 086005, 2013/4/23

12.  Wilson line response of holographic superconductors inGauss-Bonnet gravity Rong-Gen Cai(#)Li LiLi-FangLi(*)Yun-Long ZhangHai-Qing Zhang Physical Review D -Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 87, p 026002, 2013/1/14

13.  Non-equilibrium field dynamics of an honest holographicsuperconductor Xin Gao(#)Matthias Kaminski(*)Hua-Bi ZengHai-QingZhang Journal of High Energy Physics, 11, p 112, 2012/11/20

14.  Holographic SIS Josephson junction Yong-Qiang Wang(#)(*)Yu-XiaoLiuRong-Gen CaiShingo TakeuchiHai-Qing Zhang Journal of High EnergyPhysics, 9, p 058, 2012/9/17

15.  Holographic phase transitions of p-wave superconductors inGauss-Bonnet gravity with backreaction Rong-Gen Cai(#)Zhang-YuNieHai-Qing Zhang(*) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology, 83, p 066013, 2011/3/22

16.  Analytical studies on holographic superconductors in Gauss-Bonnetgravity Huai-Fan Li(#)Rong-Gen CaiHai-Qing Zhang(*) Journal of High Energy Physics, 4, p 028,2011/4/7

17.  Magnetic field effect on the phase transition in AdS solitonspacetime Rong-Gen Cai(#)Li Li(*)Yun-Long ZhangHai-Qing Zhang Physical Review D -Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 84, p 126008, 2011/12/13

18.  Phase transitions in AdS soliton spacetime through marginallystable modes Rong-Gen Cai(#)Xi HeHuai-Fan LiHai-QingZhang(*) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 84, p046001, 2011/8/1

19.  Analytical studies on holographic insulator/superconductor phasetransitions Rong-Gen Cai(#)Huai-Fan LiHai-Qing Zhang(*) PhysicalReview D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 83, p126007, 2011/6/10

20.  Holographic p-wave superconductors from Gauss-Bonnet gravity Rong-GenCai(#)Zhang-Yu Nie(*)Hai-Qing Zhang Physical Review D -Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 82, p 066007, 2010/9/24

21.  Holographic superconductors with Horava-Lifshitz black holes Rong-GenCai(#)Hai-Qing Zhang(*) Physical Review D - Particles, Fields,Gravitation and Cosmology, 81, p 066003, 2010/3/12

22.  Cosmological solutions with torsion in a model of the de Sittergauge theory of gravity Chao-Guang Huang(#)(*)Hai-Qing Zhang(#)Han-YingGuo Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 10, p010, 2008/10/8

23.  GRAVITATIONAL ANOMALY AND HAWKING RADIATION OF BRANEWORLD BLACKHOLES Chao-Guang Huang(#)Jia-Rui Sun(*)Xiaoning WuHai-Qing Zhang ModernPhysics Letters A, 23(34), pp 2957-2966, 2008/11/10

24.   A new gravitational model for dark energy Chao-Guang Huang(#)(*)Hai-QingZhang(#)Han-Ying Guo Chinese Physics C, 32(9), pp 1-6, 2008/9秋季


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