
助理研究员、硕士生导师 电子邮箱: bhflei@buaa.edu.cn 办公地点: 学院路图书馆东配楼115室 研究领域:北斗/GNSS多频多系统高精度数据处理、卫星精密定轨与定位、空间大地测量数据处理



        电子邮箱: bhflei@buaa.edu.cn

        办公地点: 学院路图书馆东配楼115室




        2007-2011 武汉大学测绘学院,测绘工程,学士

        2011-2014 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,大地测量学与测量工程专业,硕士

        2014-2017 武汉大学卫星导航技术研究中心,大地测量学与测量工程专业,博士









致力于空间大地测量高精度数据处理的基础理论方法研究,在导航卫星多频数据处理模型、卫星精密定轨与定位方法、空间大地测量数据融合三个方向上取得系列研究成果:1)建立了北斗/GNSS多频观测统一函数模型及误差传递模型,提出了普适性的多频频间偏差修正方法;2)提出了多GNSS卫星轨道快速积分、滤波轨道快速收敛、参数最小二乘并行解算等方法,显著提升了北斗/GNSS卫星精密定轨效率;3)负责研发了原始观测值层面的多种空间大地测量技术数据融合软件平台(GSTAR),被国内多家高校及企事业单位引进使用。在Journal of Geodesy、Gps Solutions、IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems、Satellite Navigation、测绘学报等国内外主流期刊上发表论文40余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划课题、国家重点研发计划子课题等多个国家级项目。


        [1]Fan L, Shi C, Li M, Wang C, Zheng F, Jing G and Zhang J (2019). GPS satellite inter-frequency clock bias estimation using triple-frequency raw observations. Journal of Geodesy 93(12): 2465-2479.

        [2]Fan L, Wang C, Guo S, Fang X, Jing G and Shi C (2021). GNSS satellite inter-frequency clock bias estimation and correction based on IGS clock datum: a unified model and result validation using BDS-2 and BDS-3 multi-frequency data. Journal of Geodesy 95(12): 135.

        [3]Fan L, Shi C, Wang C, Guo S, Wang Z and Jing G (2020). Impact of satellite clock offset on differential code biases estimation using undifferenced GPS triple-frequency observations. GPS Solutions 24(1): 32.

        [4]Fan L, Li M, Wang C and Shi C (2017). BeiDou satellite’s differential code biases estimation based on uncombined precise point positioning with triple-frequency observable. Advances in Space Research 59(3): 804-814.

        [5]Shi C, Fan L, Li M, Liu Z, Gu S, Zhong S and Song W (2016). An enhanced algorithm to estimate BDS satellite’s differential code biases. Journal of Geodesy 90(2): 161-177.

        [6]Shi C, Guo S, Fan L, Gu S, Fang X, Zhou L, Zhang T, Li Z, Li M and Li W (2023). GSTAR: an innovative software platform for processing space geodetic data at the observation level. Satellite Navigation 4(1): 18.

        [7]Wang C, Zhang T, Fan L, Shi C and Jing G (2021). A simplified worldwide ionospheric model for satellite navigation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58(1): 391-405.

        [8]Wang C, Fan L, Wang Z and Shi C (2019). Assessment of global ionospheric maps over continental areas using precise point positioning technique. Journal of Spatial Science 65(1): 25-39.

        [9]Zhou L, Fan L, Li Z, Fang X and Shi C (2023). An improved approach for rapid filter convergence of GNSS satellite real-time orbit determination. Frontiers in Physics 11: 1171383.

        [10]Zhou L, Fan L and Shi C (2023). Evaluation and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Water Vapor from the NASA VIIRS/SNPP Product in Mainland China Using GPS Data. Remote Sensing 15(6): 1528.

        [11]Zhou L, Fan L, Zhang W and Shi C (2022). Long-term correlation analysis between monthly precipitable water vapor and precipitation using GPS data over China. Advances in Space Research 70(1): 56-69.

        [12]Wang C, Xia S, Fan L, Shi C and Jing G (2023). Ionospheric climate index as a driving parameter for the NeQuick model. Advances in Space Research 71(1): 216-227.

        [13]Fang X, Fan L, Guo S, Zhou L and Shi C (2022). Earth Rotation Parameters Determination with BDS-3/LEO Simulations Under Small-Scale Ground Networks. In: China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2022) Proceedings: Volume III, Springer.

        [14]范磊, 李敏, 宋伟伟, 施闯, 王成 (2016). 多系统GNSS卫星轨道快速积分方法. 测绘学报 45(S2): 93-100.

        [15]郭仕伟, 施闯, 范磊, 魏娜, 张涛, 方欣颀, 周凌昊 (2023). 北斗三号地心运动反演方法与结果. 测绘学报 52(12): 2054-2065.

        [16]范磊, 施闯, 李敏 (2018). 利用超快速精密星历约束的北斗卫星实时精密定轨. 大地测量与地球动力学 38(09): 937-942.

        [17]范磊, 钟世明, 李子申, 欧吉坤 (2016). 跟踪站分布对非组合精密单点定位提取GPS卫星差分码偏差的影响. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 41(3): 316-321.

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